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「我是異女,去遊行感覺怪怪的... 」
「我是Lesbian, 想去支持,但怕被爸媽看到,不敢啊」
所以,Women's March Taiwan(WMT)決定開放大眾報名加入我們的大隊,一同步行、聲援!希望讓每一個特別的你/妳都不孤單~ 真心歡迎任何人加入我們!
◆ 遊行背景介紹
遊行將邁入第15年,今年的主題「澀澀性平打開開,多元教慾跟上來」,提倡性別平等教育的落實與重要性,作為能讓人們公開現身的平台,持續建構支持LGBT+族群權益的台灣,也讓社會看見多元、尊重差異! LGBT+權益及女性權益的支持者,在爭取平權的路上一直都是相互扶持的。在第一屆同志大遊行以前,就已有零星的遊行活動。像是1996年,由三十多個婦女團體組成的「全國婦女連線」發起的「女權火照夜路大遊行」,當時眾人喊出「婦女要夜行權,同志要日行權」口號,向政府表達訴求。所以Women's March Taiwan也裡所當然支持同志遊行~
◆ About LGBT Pride Day
Pride Parades have always been one of the most anticipated events of the year in Taiwan, and this year is no exception!
October 28th will be the 15th Annual Pride, and honestly there is no time more fitting than Pride to raise awareness and issues for LGBTQ+ rights and let queer folks be heard. This year's theme is on sex education, to raise awareness and educate people on sex, and to embrace diversity and respect everyone's differences.
Maybe you’re curious as to how and why a women’s organization would come and support our fellow queer folks (besides just being an advocate for human rights), but there’s actually a history behind it here in Taiwan. Back in 1996, around 30+ women’s organizations formed a “National Women’s Union” with a rally to advocate for women’s safety while staying out late at night, this formed into a chant during the rally that “Women want to feel safe at night, and Gay people want to exercise their rights.” Our fellow LGBTQ+ and Women’s Rights allies are all fighting for the right for equality, so of course, we couldn’t miss out this grand Pride to show our support for our LGBTQ+ folks!
Fill out the form above to march with us!
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