The rise of the woman IS the rise of the nation.
On January 21, 2017, five million of us marched in cities across the globe for our shared belief in a world that is equitable, just and safe for all, one in which the human rights and dignity of each person is protected and our planet is safe from destruction. Since the march, we have forged a powerful resistance network of women, femmes and allies. We have flooded airports to protest the Muslim Ban, gone on strike for International Women’s Day, challenged the NRA, fought to save the ACA and so much more.
It is time to channel the energy and activism of The Women’s March into tangible strategies for change and concrete wins in 2018.
The Women’s Convention will bring thousands of women, femmes and our allies of all backgrounds to Detroit from October 27 - 29, 2017, for a weekend of workshops, strategy sessions, inspiring forums and intersectional movement building.
Tapping into the power of women in leadership as a fundamental, grassroots force for change, the Women’s Convention will bring together first-time activists and seasoned organizers, rising political stars who reflect our nation’s changing demographics, and thousands of women who’ve organized sister marches, huddles, rallies and resistance actions, large and small, since January 2017.
Participants will leave inspired and motivated, with new connections, skills and strategies for working towards collective liberation for women of all races, ethnicities, ages, disabilities, sexual identities, gender expressions, immigration statuses, religious faiths, and economic statuses.
Please join Women’s March in Detroit from October 27 - 29, 2017 for the Women’s Convention, the beginning of a political groundswell. Together, we will show that the rise of the woman IS the rise of the nation.
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