//UCL Women's Network is calling on UCL students to join the Demonstration: Justice for Tube cleaners! on 12 Oct! All are welcome!//
London Underground has recently consolidated its major cleaning contracts into a single contract, predictably sold to the lowest bidder, American firm ABM. As with previous cleaning contracts, the main contractor, ABM, will outsource a significant proportion of the work to labour supply agencies such as AGS People, who pressure cleaners into registering as “self-employed”, or “limited liability companies” of one person, in order to avoid upholding their statutory rights. Cleaners have no company sick pay, and unlike other Tube staff, do not have travel passes to allow them to freely use the system they help run.
These cleaners are essential to keeping London a safe place to live by cleaning up after 5 milliom passengers every day, a majority of whom are migrant, BME women.
RMT, the union for Tube cleaners, is fighting back against injustice. They are calling on London Underground to follow the example of the London School of Economics by ending outsourcing and bringing cleaning services back in house. They want Mayor Khan, as a Labour mayor, to implement Labour’s policy for a £10/hour minimum wage on the transport system he runs. They want travel passes, sick pay, and holiday pay for Tube cleaners.
London's cleaners deserve justice!
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