Join Moral Monday CT for a Connecticut rally #CTR4RJ co-sponsored by Women's March-CT, following the 9/30 rally in Washington, DC.
Meet at 2 PM at City Hall. March to Vernon and Broad for a #Take-A-Knee In and Rally for #RacialJustice. Special thanks to the #PuertoRican Hurricane Relief Network!
Partners include: ACLU CT, CT Chapter of the National Organization for Women (CT NOW), Connecticut Women's Education and Legal Fund (CWEALF), CT Students for a Dream, CT CORE, CT Latinas In The Resistance, Black Lives Matter-New Haven, CT Alliance to End Sexual Violence, NARAL Pro-Choice Connecticut, True Colors, Center for Latino Progress, SEIU 1199, GLSEN Connecticut, Mothers United Against Violence, PFLAG, Compass Peace Builders, Anti War Resisters League New England, the ANSWER Coalition. CT Cross Disability LifeSpan Alliance, San Juan Center, Muslim Coalition of CT, Emerge CT, Planned Parenthood of Southern New England, CT Puerto Rican Agenda, CICD Day Hartford Puerto Rican Parade, Hispanic Federation, CCADV, AFT-CT, Fight for $15 CT, Triangle Community Center, Socialist Action CT, Trinity College Democrats Club, Indivisible CT.
Event imported by Former user using FbEventsImporter object (79) | 7 years, 1 month ago |