MARCH FOR BLACK WOMEN begins at 8:00AM and ends at 11:30AM at Seward Square.
We will then march and converge at Lincoln Park with the March for Racial Justice at 12:00PM
On September 30, 2017 Black women in all their diversity will march on the National Mall and the Department of Justice in Washington, D.C. to denounce the propagation of state-violence and the widespread incarceration of Black women and girls, rape and all sexualized violence, the murders and brutalization of transwomen and the disappearances of our girls from our streets, our schools and our homes.
Moreover, in this highly political moment of the twentieth year anniversary of the Million Women March, we amplify the struggles of Black women in the rural South—the “Black Belt”, and demand a cease and desist of all threats to those of us who are immigrant women across the country, living in fear of deportation.
Go to to learn about:
_The D.C. march route
_The Partners Black Women's Blueprint, BYP100 and Trans Sistas of Color Project and more
_How to organize a march in your City
_Standing in solidarity with Black women of the Global South
_Facts/Why we must rally, speak, organize, protest and/or march
We have always put it simply: Black women's issues are racial justice issues. Black lived-experiences related to gender, sexuality, gender identity are--racial-- justice--issues. On September 30, 2017, Black women and comrades will unite and lock arms and march unapologetically at the center of the scheduled MARCH FOR RACIAL JUSTICE as our very own MARCH FOR BLACK WOMEN.
We need you to show up for Black women.
Our March within a March is not only a mass mobilization centered on Black women, but a reminder to every single one of us that so long as Black women are killed by the cops; so long as Black women are taken or go missing; so long as we are raped by state officials, by friends, by strangers or by nationally renown membes of our communities -- there can be NO JUSTICE.
8 Black trans women were murdered in the first four months of 2017 = #NOJUSTICE
60 women report rape by Cosby including 22 Black women. Cosby admits he drugged and “had sex” with them but there’s a hung jury = #NOJUSTICE
June 2017 Pregnant Charleena Lyles shot and killed by Seattle police = #NOJUSTICE
May 2017, 27 year old Jonie Block was killed by police = #NOJUSTICE
April 2017, Glenda Taylor stabbed and strangled by a probation officer, the officer was also her fiance = #NOJUSTICE
In March 2017, 38 year old Sherida Davis was shot and killed by police, the officer was also her husband = #NOJUSTICE
In March 2017, 21 year old pregnant Alteria Woods was shot and killed by police = #NOJUSTICE
In February 2017, 30 year old Morgan Rankins was shot and killed by police = #NOJUSTICE
In March 2017, 10 of our children went missing in less than 2-weeks in the I-495 corridor that stretches between Baltimore and D.C., most of them Black girls = #NOJUSTICE
As of 2014, 64,000 Black women were MISSING in the United States = #NOJUSTICE
Thousands of Black girls under 18 are pimped out by men from our own communities = #NOJUSTICE
40% of young people trafficked in the U.S. are Black, most of them girls = #NOJUSTICE
Black women are 13% of U.S. women, but make up about half of domestic violence homicide victims = #NOJUSTICE
Black women are beaten by their partners at a rate of 35% higher than white women = #NOJUSTICE
In April 2017, Karen Smith is shot and killed by her husband and hundreds more such cases go unnoticed = #NOJUSTICE
In California, 81% of girls in the juvenile justice system suffered sexual abuse before being arrested = #NOJUSTICE
40% of girls in the juvenile justice system have been raped or sodomized in their lifetime = #NOJUSTICE
The media doesn’t seem to care = #NOJUSTICE
Black women don’t seem to matter = #NOJUSTICE
For more facts: Go to
My sisters and comrades, we have always known that our very survival as Black women is political. Whether your demands are for reproductive justice, ending police murders, rapes and brutalization, ending the beatings, strangulations and harassment, ending sex trafficking and sexual exploitation, or demanding access to housing, economic security, education or child care, Black women's ability to control our own bodies and our own lives are at stake. Join us!
Contact: Farah Tanis email
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