【2017國際和平日- 飛吧,和平鴿!】 *English Below*
👉 「 飛吧,和平鴿!」系列活動
☮️ 日期: 9/21 (四)
☮️ 時間: 7:00 p.m.
☮️ 地點: 台北市,台北車站 站前大廳
無論你是希望消除世界各地的戰爭、暴力、飢荒,還是希望各國重視人權為李明哲聲援,或單純期望自由健康的環境和身旁的人和平共處,我們都歡迎你在和平鴿(Peace Dove)上針對自己關心的議題、對社會的期許,寫下/畫下對於和平的想像!
☮️ 日期:即日起-9/21
☮️ 時間: ~Anytime~
☮️ 地點:~Anywhere~
當天無法到場的朋友也不必擔心, 只要動動手指:
-在臉書發文hash tag #PeaceDay2017 #JoinTogetherTaiwan
-或填寫表單 https://goo.gl/forms/4U5JGxXeIYobvMyT2
最終完成的和平鴿將分享給遍佈80多國的Women's March 團體,並登錄在聯合國的國際和平日官網上,讓臺灣對和平的期許飄洋過海,被更多國家看見我們的聲音~
9月21日是國際和平日,今年的倡議主題為「攜手為和平:全人的尊重、安全和尊嚴」 (Together for Peace: Respect, Safety and Dignity for All),希望大家團結起來,在全球難民遷移與人口流動下,創造一個接納、包容、非歧視的環境,關注移民與被迫離開家園的人們。
【2017 Peace Day- Make the Peace Dove Fly!】
👉 "Make the Peace Dove Fly”
☮️ Date:9/21, Thursday
☮️ Time:7:00 p.m.
☮️ Location:Taipei City, Taipei Main Station 1F Lobby
What are your expectations for peace? What would you like to raise awareness for? Whether it’s regarding current debatable social issues, such as hopes to reduce sexual violence, or to improve the working environment, we welcome you to paint and/or write down your hopes on our Peace Dove.
👉#JoinTogetherTaiwan #PeaceDay2017 share your message on peace if you can’t be there: https://goo.gl/forms/WfUICsGPBDBTdCvD3
We will add your message on the Peace Dove and share the completed Peace Dove with over 80 countries and on the United Nations’ International Day of Peace website.
【About Peace Day】
The International Day of Peace (“Peace Day”) is observed around the world each year on September 21st. Established in 1981 by the United Nations, the General Assembly has declared this as a day devoted to “commemorating and strengthening the ideals of peace both within and among all nations and peoples.”
This year, Peace Day’s theme is“ Together for Peace: Respect, Safety and Dignity for All”, which focuses on raising awareness for refugees and migrants around the world. In Taiwan, the population of new immigrants and migrant workers have grown significantly in the past two decades, reaching 60,000. However, exploitation, abuse, and other inequalities towards migrant workers remain.
Women’s March Taiwan believes that all humans should be treated with respect and dignity, regardless of a person’s race, ethnicity, religion, immigration status, sexual orientation, gender identity, age, disability, and/or economic status. Join us on September 21st, Peace Day, to build an open, safe and inclusive society not only for migrant workers, immigrants, but also for people of various statuses.
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