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New Practices in Feminism & the Body (Film Screenings)

At Re:Jacqueline Morreau - Mythologies and the Marginalised, London, United Kingdom
On 10th September 2017 2 p.m. - 4 p.m.


A day of film screenings in conversation with the work of feminist artist Jacqueline Morreau at Re: Jacqueline Morreau - Mythologies and the Marginalised.

Confirmed Artists:

Anna Hadock-Wilson

Orlando Myxx

Emma Crouch & Rosie Murdoch

Kate Spence & Michael Lightborne

Morreau contributed to numerous woman's initiatives throughout her career, including playing a key role in the organisation in the Women’s Images of Men exhibition at the ICA in 1980.

It is this tradition of the collaborative feminist exhibition that we wish to extend in our own re-presentation of Morreau’s work. The themes addressed in Morreau's own work are still ever-pressing today for artists and practitioners marginalised by their gender, race or sexuality.

How much has changed since the Feminist Art Movement of the 1970s; and how much really hasn't? And what issues were never addressed by the movement in the first place?

The exhibition will primarily be a retrospective of Morreau’s work and life, however in order to establish a relationship between Morreau's practice and the practices of contemporary artists, we feel it would be of great interest and importance to hold a series of events in which artists, curators, writers etc., can react to and discuss the work in the exhibition in relation to their own practice. These events will be held to not only highlight the impact of Morreau’s work, but also create opportunities for other artists to directly engage with the work in a public forum.


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