Future Female Project (FFP) is a new international female empowerment network supporting pro-feminist and pro-queer networking. This taster workshop opens discussion around heritage activism, reflects on the discourse and presence of women and explores future FFP events at LMA. All sexualities, backgrounds and nationalities welcome! www.facebook.com/futurefemaleproj www.twitter.com/FutureFemProj
* 6pm: Doors (come early to grab a cuppa!)
* 615-7pm: Talk by Olivia from Future Female Project and Jan Pimblett from London Met Archives LGBT history club, re difficulties in women & minority groups having their histories documented, the importance of working together on initiatives to improve our environments, and reaching beyond our usual circles to have our lives and work recognised
* 7-730pm: Mini workshop to highlight obstacles with women speaking out / being heard and recording their own history, and ways this can be improved
* 730pm: Pub!!
FREE drop in or book on Eventbrite
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