Regeneration Festival is an inter-generational movement of change to uplift future community leaders. Please join us for the 2nd Annual Regeneration Festival Española!
2-2:45 pm: Opening and Sponsorship dedication
3-5 pm: Tree planting workshop and ceremony
5-6 pm: Tewa Women United Tsaya In’/Circle of Grandmother’s youth blessing
Youth activities ongoing throughout the afternoon, including:
* Create a 'Zine
* Self-care brown bags from A'Gin Healthy Sexuality & Body Sovereignty Project
* Recycled art project with the Northern Youth Project
* Demonstration of wool washing, carding, and spinning by Four Bridges Traveling Permaculture Institute
The Española Healing Foods Oasis located at the Valdez Park on Vietnam Veterans Memorial Road. This event is free and open to the public. Part of ‘ALIMENTO’-Towa eh Huu'tsong'yo -- A Weekend Celebration of Community Nourishment in Española.
Inspired by and part of the Regeneration Festival movement initiated by our friends in Taos, NM. See
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