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Women's Equality Day:Bridging the Waves hosted by AAUW & NOW

At LSU African American Cultural Center, Baton Rouge (LA), United States
On 26th August 2017 1 p.m. - 4 p.m.


Join AAUW and NOW as we explore how Feminism has impacted women in Louisiana with our speakers

Janet Allured-professor of History at McNeese State University; author, Remapping Second- Wave Feminism: The Long Women’s Rights Movement in Louisiana, 1950-1997

Michelle Masse`-Dean of the Graduate School, LSU; Professor of English & Women's & Gender Studies; Editor, SUNY Feminist Theory and Criticism series

and panelists

Ayn Stehr-Attorney

Torrie Thibodeaux-Legal Research Associate, Lift Louisiana; conducting research and analyzing policies to advance reproductive health care access for women who are incarcerated in La.

Meg Denny-La. Campus Organizer, Feminist Majority Foundation. Member, 2016 Reproductive Rights Activist Service Corps; Advocates for Youth, Student Organizer for sexual health and rights.

Seating is limited! Please register today! Admission is FREE.


Web links

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