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Draft Bernie Town Hall - Cornel West & Bernie Sanders

At Livestream online
From 20th August 2017 8 p.m. to 27th August 2017 11 p.m.


SEPTEMBER 9, 2017 8:00 pm EDT, American University, D.C.

Leading intellectual Dr. Cornel West and Nick Brana, founder of the Draft Bernie for a People's Party campaign, appeared on Democracy Now! April 25 and invited Sen. Sanders to join them for a Town Hall to discuss the topic on everyone's mind: the progressive majority forming its own party.

The time is near for the Town Hall! It will be broadcast via livestream from American University in Wash., D.C., Sat., Sept. 9 @ 8 p.m. EDT. Sister gatherings are being organized in cities across the country and can be viewed on our events map at under the Events tab.

Bring Bernie to the Town Hall by clicking:
1. Share
2. Invite Friends
3. Select All
4. Send!

Dr. Cornel West
Kshama Sawant
Nick Brana

Sen. Bernie Sanders

Learn more about Draft Bernie and sign the petition:

Watch the Democracy Now! interview:

Read Dr. West's op-ed endorsing Draft Bernie:


Web links

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