Panel discussion at the Rio basement, with Sophie Delarny (Viva!), Dr Kate Stewart (Nottingham Trent University), and Ali Ryland (Vegan Society). Chaired by Rahni Kaur Binjie (black feminist vegan activist).
What are the links between the oppression of animals and that of women? Can we be intersectional feminists without including speciesism in our analysis and activism? Should we all be vegans?!
Come and hear our panellists' thoughts on these issues and more, and join in the discussion on this important topic.
Your ticket also includes vegan treats kindly donated by Lola’s Cupcakes and Koko Dairy Free (while stocks last)!
Panellist profiles:
Sophie Delarny is the events manager for Viva!, Europe’s largest vegan campaigning charity. Part of her role is speaking at various events about different topics related to the vegan lifestyle, one of her talks being ‘What’s Feminism Got to Do with It?’- a discussion about the intersection of feminism and veganism. This is such an important subject but is also one that very few people are aware of which is why Sophie feels inspired to spread the message and introduce people to a new way of thinking about veganism and feminism.
Dr Kate Stewart is Principal Lecturer in Sociology at Nottingham Trent University. Her research and advocacy interests focus on how our uses of other animals are represented in mainstream and popular culture, and how these representations reinforce practices that perpetuate marginalisation and harm. Her work explores how these representations also contribute to maintaining intersecting oppressions and stereotypes relating to gender, sexuality, ethnicity and age. She argues that intellectual and political analyses of how these oppressions are represented and maintained need to consider how other animals are both used as part of, and become entangled victims of, these processes of marginalisation.
Ali Ryland has been Web and Digital Communications Officer at The Vegan Society for two years. She is starting a PhD this September, focusing on animal studies and social justice issues. Her role at The Vegan Society includes managing website content and development, while using other platforms geared towards getting the vegan, pro-intersectional message out there. Ali also created The Vegan Society’s blog, and blogs on issues such as the dairy lobby ( and the feminisation of care in animal rights (
Chair profile:
Rahni Kaur Binjie
Rahni describes herself as a black feminist vegan activist, and she has a long history of involvement in grassroots movements for change and focusing on human rights, equality, and social justice. She has been at the forefront of numerous activist movements, such as Million Women Rise, demanding change, equality, and safety for womyn and girls. Rahni has over 20 years’ experience of working in the violence against women and girls sector, from frontline practitioner to leading an organisation as CEO. She has been instrumental in leading on strategic direction and frontline services including refuge, outreach, counselling, and training provision for Black and ‘Minority Ethnic’ women and girls impacted by violence.
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