Come along to an information session and learn about ActionAid's latest economic justice for women campaign. RSVP here >>
Right now, the Government is considering establishing a register of beneficial ownership, which would allow us to see where multinational corporations and rich individuals are hiding the billions they should be paying in tax.
To avoid paying tax, multinational corporations and rich individuals hide their money in a murky web of shell companies and trusts – leaving governments of low income countries with limited funding for the public services women need to advance their rights. Services like health, education, and street lighting. Up to $1 trillion is being stolen from the public – from women – each year!
A publicly accessible register of beneficial ownership would let us to see who owns these shell companies, and demand that they pay their fair share in tax – their fair share towards a fair society. Its changes like this that will directly benefit women around the world.
On Wednesday August 9, ActionAid supporters in Adelaide will be coming together and talking about this campaign. They'll be discussing how, through a national grassroots campaign, we can get this important piece of the tax-justice puzzle in place this year.
RSVP here to join then >>
This is your chance to meet Community Organising Manager, Dan Scaysbrook, and activists just like you, who want to see a fairer tax system.
We can't wait to meet you.
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