(See below for English.)
Duette für Querflöte und Cello. Klassische Musik für alle, in einem queer-feministischen Raum.
Eintritt Spende. Alle Spenden gehen an Women in Exile, eine Organisation, die gegen sexistisch und rassistisch Diskriminierung gegen Migrant*innen und Asylsuchende kämpft.
F.A.Q. Infoladen ist barrierearm. Details:
Come and listen to some duets for flute and cello in support of the organization Women in Exile. Classical music for everyone, in a queer-feminist space.
Entry by donation. All donations benefit Women in Exile, an organization that fights the sexist and racist discrimination against migrants and asylum seekers.
F.A.Q. Infoladen is an accessible space. Details: https://faq-infoladen.org/barrierearme-struktur/
Women in Exile: https://www.women-in-exile.net
F.A.Q. Infoladen: https://faq-infoladen.org
Event imported by Former user using FbEventsImporter object (25) | 7 years, 3 months ago |