Butch, Please! RIOT GRRRL!
Long long ago, before the internet////
- - was the MUSIC, the, ZINES, the FILMS, the FEMINISM and the COMMUNITY that was Riot Grrrl!
//But we're Still BORN IN FLAMES and ANGRIER than ever//
A celebration of PUNK and DO/ IT/ YOURSELF
BUTCH, PLEASE! Skill share
Live music & performances
DJ's and dancing till late
£5 OTD
EVERYONE WELCOME if you wanna have a good time. A night for lesbians and their friends of all genders and sexualities.
For all degrees of BUTCH & FEMME. A night for lesbians and their friends. ALL LBGTQI WELCOME.
*Wear what you like. Be nice. Have a good time*
The RVT has an accessible main door and is flat throughout the main space, accommodating wheelchairs. There are toilet cubicles that can be accessed without steps, but are not wheelchair accessible. The nearest accessible toilet is by Vauxhall Bus Station.
Event imported by Former user using FbEventsImporter object (64) | 7 years, 1 month ago |