Anti-abortion zealots are descending on clinics across the country in observance of the "40 Days for Life" campaign. Under cover of these "peaceful vigils," protestors are pushing the same inherently violent anti-choice agenda. There is nothing "peaceful" about forced gestation and birth.
Join NYC for Abortion Rights as we counterprotest the "40 Days for Life" campaign at Bronx Abortion. Now more than ever we need to mobilize a visible, vocal, and unapologetic pro-choice response wherever and whenever reproductive rights are under attack.
We are meeting in front of the Bronx Abortion clinic (2070 Eastchester Road) at 9am. ******* UPDATE 3/17: NEW HOURS 8 AM TO NOON *******
NYC for Abortion Rights is a coalition of women and allies who believe NYC needs an unapologetic grassroots movement ready to fight for full abortion rights.
Since 2010 alone, 338 new restrictions on abortions have been passed across the country, and 87% of US counties now lack abortion providers. Abortion rights have been steadily chipped away. With the anti-choicers further emboldened by the Trump Administration, we now face the real possibility of losing what is left of our access to safe and legal abortion. We won’t stand for it, and we absolutely WON’T GO BACK to the days of back alley butchers. The approach of non-confrontation which many feminist organizations have pursued in response to this onslaught has unfortunately been a failing strategy. Now, more than ever, we need a fighting grassroots movement.
We are planning another counterprotest on Saturday, April 1st from 9-11am at the at the Margaret Sanger Planned Parenthood (26 Bleecker Street). More info here:
On March 25th from 12-2pm at Verso Books (20 Jay Street Suite 1010), join us for an organizing meeting and conversation on the Hyde Amendment: Race, Class and Access to Abortion Rights and Birth Control.
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