Da es in Genf, Bern und auch weltweit am 21. Januar einen "Woman's March" gegeben hat, wollen wir in Zürich auch einen veranstalten. Unser Woman's March wird etwas nach dem International Woman's Day stattfinden und zwar am Samstag, 18. März. Obwohl es "Woman's March" heisst, werden wir unsere Stimme erheben für Liebe, Solidarität, Freiheit und Gleichheit. Alle sind willkommen! Momentan sind wir dabei die Erlaubnis zu bekommen von der Zürcher Gemeinde.
Falls jemand Fragen hat oder als Organisation oder Einzelperson mithelfen will, schreibt doch bitte eine E-mail an: v.koepfli@gmail.com
If anyone has any questions or wants to help, please e-mail: v.koepfli@gmail.com
Ellie organisiert diesen Event nicht- bitte schreibt keine Fragen an sie.
Ellie is not organising this event- please don't message her regarding the event.
As there was a Women's March in Geneva and Berne on the 21st of January but not in Zurich, we want to create our own in Zurich on the 18th of March! This is just after International Women's Day (March 8th) and a Saturday so hopefully everyone can make it. Please invite any friends, family, teachers etc. who live in and around Zurich! We are still working on getting authorisation but would love as many people to come as possible! We would love people of all genders, nationalities, sexualities and religions to join us! Just because its not a day when everyone else is protesting and not the 21st of January, doesn't mean we can't start our own! Just because its past inauguration day doesn't mean we can't stand up for something we believe in! There is never a bad time to protest if you're truly passionate about something! We will be marching for racial and religious equality, the ending of the stigma behind mental health and disabilities, LGBTQ+ rights, pro-choice, anti-bullying, human rights, pro-refugees, as well as gender equality.
Update: Thanks to the interest in Woman's March Zürich, we have been given the opportunity to partner with a few local organisations and professionals. Thank you to everyone who has messaged us so far and offered their help, as this will allow us to host a more successful and inclusive event. As we have mentioned before, Kristina and I are not experienced enough, nor do we have the time, money or resources to do this job well by ourselves. We do not want to have to cancel the event and let everyone down so hopefully with the help of different groups, we will be able to allow more people to come and host an even better event than we had hoped!
Update: Die Bewilligung wurde Eingereicht. The application for the permit has been submitted.
Update: Die Bewilligung für den Women’s March ist eingetroffen. The permit for the march was approved.
Event imported by Former user using FbEventsImporter object (29) | 7 years, 3 months ago |