A pitch black, wryly British comedy from the mind of Alice Lowe (SIGHTSEERS, HOT FUZZ, PADDINGTON), PREVENGE follows Ruth, a pregnant woman on a killing spree that’s as funny as it is vicious. It’s her misanthropic unborn baby dictating Ruth’s actions, holding society responsible for the absence of a father. The child speaks to Ruth from the womb, coaching her to lure and ultimately kill her unsuspecting victims. Struggling with her conscience, loneliness, and a strange strain of prepartum madness, Ruth must ultimately choose between redemption and destruction at the moment of motherhood. PREVENGE marks the directorial debut from Lowe, who is a true triple threat, writing, directing, and acting in the film during her own real-life pregnancy.
Time: 20:30
Venue: Griessmühle
Tickets: 7€
TICKETS: http://www.mobilekino.de/?p=10209
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