Trump's global gag rule is a grotesque expansion of a failed, deadly policy that prohibits foreign organizations that receive U.S. global health assistance from providing or even discussing abortions with patients. This rule threatens access to safe abortion and other basic health care for millions of people around the world.
We know that this egregious attack on the health and lives of women and other people who depend on U.S.-funded health programs for their care is just the first of many attempts the Trump Administration will make to strip away our sexual and reproductive health, rights, and justice.
Fight back and say NO to the global gag rule, NO to abortion bans. Not now, not ever!
11:00am: Gather in Freedom Plaza
11:30am: March to the White House
12pm: Protest in Lafayette Park
Questions? Email
Interested in getting involved outside the D.C. area? Join the movement on Twitter using the hashtags #TrumpGlobalGag and #NoAbortionBan.
Steering committee members include Advocates for Youth, Catholics for Choice, CHANGE, Feminist Majority Foundation, In Our Own Voice, National LGBTQ Task Force, and NAPAWF.
Cosponsors include:
Abortion Care Network
Advocates for Youth
Amnesty International USA
Black Women for Wellness
Catholics for Choice
Center for Health and Gender Equity
Feminist Majority Foundation
Global Fund for Women
Global Justice Center
HEALTH GAP Global Access Project
Ibis Reproductive Health
In Our Own Voice: National Black Women's Reproductive Justice Agenda
International Planned Parenthood Federation
International Planned Parenthood Federation – Western Hemisphere Region
International Women’s Health Coalition
Muslim American Women's Policy Forum
Muslims for Progressive Values
NARAL Pro-Choice America
National Abortion Federation
National Asian Pacific American Women’s Forum
National Center for Lesbian Rights
National Council of Jewish Women
National Latina Institute for Reproductive Health
National LGBTQ Task Force
National Organization for Women
New Voices for Reproductive Justice
Orchid Project
Physicians for Reproductive Health
Population Connection Action Fund
Population Institute
Religious Coalition for Reproductive Choice
Rise and Resist
SPARK Reproductive Justice NOW
Washington Peace Center
Event imported by Former user using FbEventsImporter object (98) | 7 years, 1 month ago |