A Day Without A Woman:
Women's March Ohio
International Women's Day Rally!!
When: March 8th 2017
Where: Outdoor event at the Gazebo in Goodale Park 120 W. Goodale St. 43215
Time: 4:30 pm-7:30 pm
$20 donation for indoor fundraiser benefiting The RISE Project with RISE Travel will be held at the Goodale Shelter House from 6pm-8pm. This donation will help sponsor the WMW-OH Rally and includes drinks, music, snacks, a silent auction, plus raffles.
You may donate in tickets available link!
Stronger Together with RISE and Lean In Ohio!
Thank you for all of your support and responses!! The Women's March Ohio new location for A Day Without A Woman Rally is Goodale Park and ADMISSION IS FREE!! Rally will present speakers from the community, local leaders, elected officials, and a variety of food trucks!!
We offer a Day Without A Woman! Women's March Ohio is calling to unlimited actions toward the achievement of gender parity!
We ask: do businesses support our communities, or do they drain our communities? Do they strive for gender equity or do they support the policies and leaders that perpetuate oppression? Do they align with a sustainable environment or do they profit off destruction and steal the futures of our children?
Actions include your personal contribution In Solidarity to A Day Without A Women! Attend the WMW-OH local International Women's Day Rally, get together with a group of women over breakfast or lunch at home verses a restaurant In Solidarity with underpaid workers, boycott businesses that further disenfranchise people in our society, and or strike from cleaning or cooking.
WMW-OH has connected with the Columbus Short North Alliance for businesses to further engage more effectively in our community! WMW-OH is also campaigning with the following local community organizations as partners: Social Alternatives, International Socialist Organization, Democratic Socialist of America, OSU Young Democratic Socialists, and Ohio Revolution (the organizers will be present and speaking at the Rally)! We all are requesting the closure of short north businesses during the Rally In Solidarity for employees to celebrate with us!!
WMW-OH will soon release a list of local Short North businesses who Hear Our Voice! These businesses will make donations/contributions to community organizations of their choice that are inline with the Women's March Unity Principles: Ending Violence, Reproductive Rights, LGBTQIA Rights, Workers Rights, Civil Rights, Disability Rights, Immigrants Rights, and Environmental Justice. We ask that you support those businesses who support the community!!
What is A Day Without A Woman to you? Please Share!!
#HearOurVoice #WithoutAWoman #WMWOH
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