Join us for a fun afternoon exploring creative ways to make signs, posters, banners, and flags that will get your political message across effectively.
Artist-activist Christian Hansen will be onsite to share his ideas (Check out Christian's page at:
Some supplies will be provided, but we encourage participants to bring their own materials (markers, paper, cardboard, cardstock, tape, etc.).
Come make your own signs and raise them up high at the 3/8 Women’s March!
#婦女節藝術行動 ----💡遊行行前標語工作坊
3/8 婦女節女權遊行就在下禮拜了~~~~~
在這週末歡迎大家共襄盛舉個美工日✍🏻 一起來做標語!
現場將會有Christian J Hansen ( 提供大家專業的建議呦!
🍄地點:PicCollage // 台北市大安區光復南路102號7樓 //🚶捷運國父紀念館站 1號出站,看到Starbucks右轉,經過7-11馬上左轉,從Chin Chin咖啡廳旁大樓搭電梯至7樓)
Event imported by Former user using FbEventsImporter object (73) | 7 years, 1 month ago |