NSFW: New Solo Female Work, is a workshop dedicated to new and original works. Its goal is to feature female solo performance, poetry, singer-songwriters, stand up, puppetry or maybe something we haven't seen before. This night will serve as a safe space for women to perform and workshop pieces in a community setting, making them and their work stronger. Please come prepared with questions, open hearts and pieces no longer than 10 minutes.
Kalli Siringas is a theatre artist from Detroit, who strongly believes in the power of solo performance. Her recent solo "Kids Play" has been accepted to FronteraFest in Austin, TX and Dixon Place in NYC. The workshops she has been developing give dedicated time and space to other artists to create and perform new work. Babies, books and banana bread all make her feel very happy and whole.
Event imported by Former user using FbEventsImporter object (107) | 7 years, 1 month ago |