WOLF WHISTLED presents Day of Doing #7:
100 people, six hours, 2 comedians, 5 workshops. Lunch on us.
Intersectional feminist group Wolf Whistled hosts a day of doing and discussion in response to the rise of the right in 2016.
Workshops on topics from islamophobia, white feminism and immigration to ally-ship and decolonisation. Let's show 2017 what we are made of.
Stand by for stand up. And a vegan lunch on us.
Only 100 tickets. All people welcome.
11.00 - 17.00 SATURDAY 7 JANUARY 2017.
Our venue is accessible.
Creche for under 8s.
Tickets: £8, £12 & (if you can't pay, don't pay), children go free:
GET YOUR TICKETS HERE: https://billetto.co.uk/en/events/xenophobia-is-a-feminist-issue-day-of-doing-7
Any questions: wolfwhistledwomen@gmail.com
Love the Big Bad Wolves.
ALSO please help us fundraise for the event with a mouse click. We need YOUR vote to raise the cash here:
** Polite Note: We ask all attendees to come with open minds and to be aware of their privilege. This is a safe space and not an antagonistic space - oppressive or degrading comments or contributions will not be tolerated.**
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