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Throw a Golden Probe Awards Watch Party!

At RSVP to the FREE Livestream Here:
On 2nd October 2016 8 p.m. - 10 p.m.


Save the Date!

Grab yourself a front row seat IN YOUR OWN HOUSE to the most awesome awards show of the year! Hosted by legendary hip hop MC and comic Jean Grae, the 2016 Golden Probe Awards will feature appearances by Sarah Silverman, Sasheer Zamata, Broad City, Amy Hagstrom Miller, Lea DeLaria, Samantha Bee, Phoebe Robinson and Jessica Williams of 2 Dope Queens and so. many. more!

Live streaming on Sunday, October 2nd (8pm EST), the first annual Golden Probe Awards is a satirical awards show honoring “Outstanding Achievements” in sexism and anti-choice extremism in the fields of politics, media, and other industries that have made great strides in pushing women’s rights backwards.


Dress up in red carpet gowns / snuggies, filthy gym shorts, whatevs, and join in the fun. When you RSVP to watch here, you will receive your very own downloadable DIGITAL PARTY KIT to make your watch party super interactive! The kit includes Golden Probe Bingo cards, a miniature red carpet, cardboard statuettes for your own nominees, and of course specialty cocktails! (Consensual Sex on the Beach, anyone?)

And if you want, you can even make your party public on the Golden Probes website! Help us reach our goal of having a party in every state!


NOVEMBER 8th is Election Day! Do you know who and what is on the ballot in YOUR state? Find out at the Golden Probes! What better way to highlight just how many politicians are declaring war on reproductive rights than having an awards show “honoring them” during election season? It is the most fabulous call to action evah!


We will put the LPJ spin on the musical performances, dance numbers, and heartfelt tributes you see at all your favorite awards shows. All of that and amazing celebrity presenters will make for a hilarious evening putting THE BIGGEST SEXIST assholes on blast!


And who will we be honoring, you ask? Well obvi, those who have shown outstanding achievements in sexism or anti-choice, anti-women douchebaggery! We’re “celebrating” the best in the anti-women movement business. We’re talking politicians, media types and any other public figure who have shown exceptional work in promoting sexism.

RSVP for the Livestream here:

Please note: Lady Parts Justice is a project of the Sixteen-Thirty Fund, a 501(c)(4) organization. Contributions to Lady Parts Justice are not tax-deductible as a charitable contribution or business expense.


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