These demands were adopted by Melbourne IWD 2015:
Equal rights at work
A livable wage for all women. Protect and increase the minimum wage and penalty rates. Equal pay for equal work. We demand the right to join unions and to organise free from harassment and intimidation. We demand paid maternity leave, free childcare, secure employment and protection from discrimination.
Stop violence against women
An end to all forms of violence against women, including sexual, physical, psychological and social abuse. Restore and increase funding to domestic violence, crisis prevention, legal and support services.
Stop the war on the poor
Free healthcare, affordable housing for all and livable income for all women. We demand the supporting parent payment for parents of children up to the age of 18 and an end to the basics card and income management.
Full reproductive rights
Full reproductive rights for all women, irrespective of class, sexuality, race and ability as controlled by women for women. We demand the right to free, accessible abortions on demand and the right for lesbian and single women to access reproductive treatment. An end to forced sterilizations.
Sovereignty and self-determination for First Nations peoples
Treaty Now. Stop targeting of Aboriginal women by the criminal justice system. Stop Aboriginal Deaths in Custody: Implement the recommendations of the Royal Commission. Justice Now for Julieka Dhu.. Justice for the Stolen Generations. Pay back Stolen Wages. Autonomy for Aboriginal Communities. End the NT intervention.
Sexual liberation and transgender rights
The right to choose and express our gender and sexuality, free from discrimination, harassment and violence.
Disability Rights
Equality, justice and visibility for women of all and varying abilities. We demand the end to discrimination in the workplace, in education, in access to housing and health services for women with disabilities. We demand an end to the targeted violence, abuse and oppression of people with disabilities.
End racism
End racist oppression, islamophobia and white supremacy. End Australia’s racist migration policies - Open the borders, Close the Camps, Free the Refugees.
Immediate action to stop environmental destruction
Stop climate change, hold the corporations to account, and compensate all victims worldwide.
Free, accessible education
No fees for degrees. Restore funding to TAFEs and community education centres. Properly fund public education.
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