Join California Latinas for Reproductive Justice in the fight to keep our families together at the annual MAY DAY MARCH! We will be walking alongside community and sister and brother justice groups in Los Angeles including, but not limited to: CHIRLA, AF3IRM, and CAP.
To prepare for the march we will also be hosting a Moon Meeting Tuesday, April 29th 2014 from 6PM - 8PM at the CLRJ Office in Little Tokyo, Los Angeles, CA. Let your creativity flow as we make posters and beautiful butterfly wings! We will be discussing the intersections between immigrant rights and reproductive justice. This is an open and safe space. ALL ARE WELCOMED!
Register for both events by going to:
Make your voices be heard at a critical time in the fight to keep our familias together! Keeping our Families together is Reproductive Justice!
Event imported by Former user using FbEventsImporter object (108) | 7 years, 1 month ago |