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Freaky 5K Fun Run & Walk for Hardy Girls Healthy Women


Join us as we get out our broomsticks, cauldrons and sneakers for a Hardy Girls Halloween Event - the 5th Annual Freaky 5K Fun Run and Walk on October 19th at Colby College!

Halloween today probably isn’t what you remember it as a kid. Take a walk down any store’s costume aisles now and prepare to be horrified — but not in the way that you’d expect. Where once hung zombie masks, face paint, and clown wigs, you’ll see corsets, plunging necklines, short-short skirts, and fishnets — intended, frighteningly, for very little girls. In response to this over sexualization of costumes for girls and women, we are doing our part to bring scary back!

There will be awards and prizes for Scariest Costume (adult/youth), Most Creative Costume (adult/youth), Biggest Team, and Top Fundraiser.

Just watch out for the zombies masquerading as volunteers!

A short fun run for kids 8 and younger! Come show us your best and scariest costumes!

Visit our event page to learn more and register as a runner:

Co-sponsored with the Colby Volunteer Center!


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