The spread of digital technologies has given new opportunities to activists around the world. At the same time they can also be the cause of new threats to activists and people using digital media for political communication or mobilization. Successful campaigning and political action requires knowledge of digital technologies and social media, as well as skills in communication strategies and creative forms to express a message.
More Information and Registration:
Jillian York, Electronic Frontier Foundation
Jérémie Zimmermann, La Quadrature du Net
Reem Al-Masri, 7-iber
Markus Beckedahl, Digitale Gesellschaft e.V.
Robert Dürhager, Oxfam Deutschland e.V.
Vera Franz, Open  Society Foundations
Ralf Fücks, Heinrich Böll Foundation
Barbara Lochbihler, Member of the Green Party / EFA group
Christian Mihr, Reporters without Borders e.V.
Borka Pavicevic, Centre for Cultural Decontamination
Nanjira Sambuli, New media strategist and consultant
Matthias Spielkamp,
Maya Indira Ganesh, Tactical Technologie Collective
Barbara Unmüßig, Heinrich Böll Foundation
Event imported by Julia Brenner using FbEventsImporter object (13) | 7 years, 3 months ago |