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Day of the Girl Proclamation and Celebration at Portland City Hall

At Portland City Hall (Maine), Portland (ME), United States
On 11th October 2012 10 a.m. - 10:30 a.m.


Join Hardy Girls Healthy Women, the Maine Women's Fund, and Maine Women's Policy Center at Portland City Hall on October 11th for Mayor Brennan's proclamation to make 10/11/12 Day of the Girl!

Mayor Brennan joins Mayors Heck (Waterville), Warren (Hallowell), and Stokes (Augusta) in proclaiming October 11th as Day of the Girl in their cities. Governor LePage has also signed on in support of the effort in Maine.

Join us to hear the historic proclamation read by Mayor Brennan and to hear from girls and women leaders from Maine on the importance of recognizing the unique challenges and opportunities facing girls today!


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