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EARTH DAY | Climate Collage Workshop – Singapour

El 22 Abril 2021 12:00 - 14:00


Understand the stakes of climate change and discuss solutions to have a trajectory compatible with the Paris Agreement

About this Event

What is the objective of this workshop?
The Climate collage is a fun and collaborative workshop to understand the causes and consequences of climate change.
What should I bring, prepare? What is included in the price?
Only you and your curiosity! No special knowledge is required. The fees cover admission, a fruit juice or coffee/tea.
How will the workshop go?
It lasts 2 hours in total. During the first hour and a half, participants will use a deck of cards to understand the origins and impacts and participate in trying to find the links between the cards. During the last half hour, the participants will think on how to contribute to the reduction of greenhouse gases on our planet, ideas and suggestions for reflection will be shared and discussed. We have all the means to act, every action counts. We must first understand what is at stake and how things are related to the problem before we can take coherent individual and collective actions.
For who is this workshop for?
It is recommended for adults and young people of at least 10 years old.
Other points
You can have your lunch during the workshop by ordering from Open Farm Community lunch menu



Enlaces web

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