This masterclass deals with the multiple forms of organizing that we currently see emerging everywhere: platform coops, purpose organizations, human rights networks, independent collectives working across borders and nation states. Digital organizations such as DAOs that help communities to coordinate themselves. Value generating online orgs that work at securing a basic income for their members. Investigative research networks that need to operate safely and discreetly, and many more.
This current time of societal change and economic crisis gave rise to all sorts of organizational needs that take on many different forms. In this masterclass we will investigate different models of organizations and explore how they operate in terms of participation, coordination, financing, governance and transnational workmodes.
Here is an overview of themes of this workshop:
17:00 Welcome and intros
17:15 Keynote talk: Patterns of organizing in the year 2020, by Ela Kagel, co-founder and managing director of SUPERMARKT Berlin.
18:00 Introduction to Decentralized Autonomous Organizations (DAOs): What’s it all about? What are the governing principles of a DAO? How can communities allocate funds within a DAO? Input and Q&A.
19:00 Introduction to Platform Coops: What are the cooperative principles of a platform coop? How to develop a digital, cooperative businessmodel? What’s the legal status and founding process of a platform coop? Input and Q & A.
20:00 Open Vaue Networks: Introduction to the principles of collaboration and modes of operation, based on three different community examples from Berlin.
20:30 Purpose Organizations: What is a purpose organization? What are the legal aspects around it? What are the benefits and possibilities of a purpose org?
21:00 Wrap-up
For whom is this evening?
This masterclass is for anyone interested in the growing variety of founding models and legal aspects of organization design, especially for those among you who are currently in the process of identifying the best way to formalise economic activities within a group or community. No particular knowledge required. People from all backgrounds are welcome.
What do we want people to walk away with?
We aim at providing people with a solid understanding of various forms of organizational models. We hope to answer questions and share insights into our own first-hand experiences. We invite practitioners who are able to give in-depth information around all aspects of founding, business model and governance of their organization.
Language: English
Costs: 30 Euro
We’ll update this site with more infos about speakers & guests. Stay tuned!
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