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2019 China International + New Energy Automobile Industry Development Summit

En New China International Exhibition Center (NCIEC), Pekín, China


Content: Focusing on the integration of NEVs and the Internet, bringing together the power of governments, industries, universities, researchers and consumers. Closely follow of the four new tendencies of electrification, intellectualization, networking and sharing faced with rapid changes in the global automotive industry. Deeply analyze the future development of NEVs and explore new ideas and methods for the commercialization of NEVs and the development of supporting facilities.

Co-hosted Organizers:

China Council for the Promotion of International Trade Machinery Sub-Council;

China Electrotechnical Society;

Autoknow Magazine;

Invitees: Inviting over 300 domestic and foreign famous experts, officers and senior managers of leading enterprises in the industry to the Forum, and discuss with the NEV topic.

Looking forward to your apply and visit!


Enlaces web

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New China International Exhibition Center (NCIEC) 