【💙💓💙慶祝國際跨性別節 Trans Is Beautiful 💙💓💙】
Date: 3/31 (Sat)
Time: 7:00- 9:00 p.m
Location: 台北車站大廳 (Taipei Main Station 1F Lobby area)
在跨性別旗上寫下/畫出對跨性別族群的支持,一起慶祝看見跨性別日!To celebrate Transgender Day of Visibility, we welcome you to paint and/or write down your message on the Transgender flag in support for the transgender community!
👉當天無法到場的朋友也不必擔心, 只要:
- 穿著白色響應國際跨性別節
- 在臉書發文 #TransIsBeautifulTW
- 或填寫表單: https://goo.gl/forms/OaultA2LJO5SzNRp1
👉We will add your message on the Transgender flag if you can’t be there: https://goo.gl/forms/OaultA2LJO5SzNRp1
【 國際跨性別節 Transgender Day of Visibility】
3/31 國際跨性別節(Transgender Day of Visibility)是表達支持跨性別的一天。為了建立更安全、平權的環境,讓我們一起聲援台灣跨性別者,讓更多人看見跨性別的聲音,加入全世界持續與性別歧視抗戰的行列! 不論您的性別認同是什麼,都歡迎一同參與~
March 31st is Transgender Day of Visibility, a day to show your support for the trans community! In Taiwan, we too recognize the need to bring attention to the accomplishments of trans people around the globe while fighting cissexism and transphobia. Let's empower and show support for the trans community! We welcome everyone, including transgender, gender non-binary, agender and questioning to celebrate together!
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