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Ejemplos de búsqueda

Eventos etiquetados con jazz en la ciudad de Berlín
Eventos en Berlín en Enero del 2014
Eventos a menos de 500 kilómetros de Berlín
Eventos el 31 de Enero del 2014
Eventos etiquetados con medio-ambiente y conferencia
Eventos etiquetados con matemáticas o filosofía
Eventos a los que Amanda quiere asistir
Eventos donde coincidirás con Amanda
Eventos más cerca de las coordenadas 52,13 en los próximos dos días

Ejemplos de búsqueda

Eventos etiquetados con jazz en la ciudad de Berlín
Eventos en Berlín en Enero del 2014
Eventos a menos de 500 kilómetros de Berlín
Eventos el 31 de Enero del 2014
Eventos etiquetados con medio-ambiente y conferencia
Eventos etiquetados con matemáticas o filosofía
Eventos a los que Amanda quiere asistir
Eventos donde coincidirás con Amanda
Eventos más cerca de las coordenadas 52,13 en los próximos dos días
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Enough Political Games: Protect Immigrant Youth Now!

En National Museum of American History, Washington (DC), Estados Unidos
El 5 Marzo 2018 11:00 - 15:00


11:00 - Everyone meet at on National Mall side of the Museum
11:45 - Rally!
12:00 - To the Congressional Offices!


March 5 is the day that we say Enough is Enough. We will tell Trump and Congress that immigrant youth are not political pawns, they are humans and we are coming together to defend them and their families from this Administration’s deportation force.

Today, more than 20,000 immigrant youth have already lost our jobs and protections because of Trump's decision to end DACA. After March 5th, the Trump mandated deadline to end DACA, over 1,000 more will begin losing protection every week.

That's why United We Dream, the Center for Popular Democracy, The Women’s March, MPower Change, FIRM/Center for Community Change, National Domestic Workers Alliance, Church World Service, Undocublack, and many more are mobilizing on March 5 to demand that Congress comes up with a solution to protect immigrant youth without hurting our families!

We need YOU. We ask for all of you to join us in action on March 5 by mobilizing to Washington D.C., taking action in cities across the country and elevating the events online to call on your networks to join.

Please share this event widely with your online networks! Together, we must stop this unnecessary, Trump-made humanitarian crisis.


Enlaces web

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