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Eventos etiquetados con jazz en la ciudad de Berlín
Eventos en Berlín en Enero del 2014
Eventos a menos de 500 kilómetros de Berlín
Eventos el 31 de Enero del 2014
Eventos etiquetados con medio-ambiente y conferencia
Eventos etiquetados con matemáticas o filosofía
Eventos a los que Amanda quiere asistir
Eventos donde coincidirás con Amanda
Eventos más cerca de las coordenadas 52,13 en los próximos dos días

Ejemplos de búsqueda

Eventos etiquetados con jazz en la ciudad de Berlín
Eventos en Berlín en Enero del 2014
Eventos a menos de 500 kilómetros de Berlín
Eventos el 31 de Enero del 2014
Eventos etiquetados con medio-ambiente y conferencia
Eventos etiquetados con matemáticas o filosofía
Eventos a los que Amanda quiere asistir
Eventos donde coincidirás con Amanda
Eventos más cerca de las coordenadas 52,13 en los próximos dos días
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SOLD OUT /Secret Boat Talk: Revolution in Iran - Girl With a Gun

En Word On The Water - The London Bookbarge, Londres, Reino Unido
El 26 Enero 2018 18:30 - 20:30


Venue: Word on the Water, King's Cross
Doors: 6:30pm / Talk starts: 7.00pm.

Secret Boat Talks are a new series of intellectual talks at London's famous floating book boat, Word on the Water.

On this cozy 100-year-old Dutch barge on Regent's Canal, you will sit next to a wood-burning stove with other curious Londoners; to learn about a fascinating subject and challenge your perspectives.

Note that your ticket includes a £5 book voucher - so you can browse the book boat's collection of classics, cult, contemporary fiction, children's books, art and photography, plus some quirky stuff that you would never think to look for.

The Talk: Revolution in Iran - Girl With a Gun

Award-winning writer Karen Attwood talks about the story of writing Girl With A Gun: A Teenage Freedom Fighter in Iran which is being published by Unbound. She will be covering Revolution in Iran, the story of peshmerga fighter Diana Nammi, the collaborative process of writing someone else's memoir with them, women's rights and many other fascinating topics.

*Please see venue website for admission (age restrictions) or accessibility information. Our talks may be filmed for promotional purposes.


This talk is part of the LDN Talks series - is a new concept which aims to re-invent your after work drinks. We've pulled together an impressive array of leading entrepreneurs, intellectuals, bright thinkers and incredible individuals to inspire your evenings.

Exploring the Mind of a Psychopath:
Revolution in Iran: Girl With a Gun:
Bitcoin and Ethereum for Dummies:
The Science of Game of Thrones:
The Science of Sleep:


Enlaces web

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