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Holiday Sing - A - Long, Toy & Stocking stuffer Drive & more

En The Majestic Ventura Theater, Ventura (CA), Estados Unidos
El 22 Diciembre 2017 15:00 - 20:30


Loanne Wullaert Presents
In cooperation with The Majestic Ventura Theater, Soundgirls, Ones to Watch, Red Light District Show and 805Arise proudly present:

The Holiday – Sing – A – Long
Toy and Stocking Stuffer Drive
December 22, 2017 family time starts at 3pm, show starts at 7pm

We will be open for donations every day at the Majestic Ventura Theater. On December 22 beginning at 3pm we will have a wrapping station and cookie decorating station. And Santa will be there if we can get a hold of him! (he is pretty busy right now)

We know our community has suffered an intense blow with the Thomas Fire.
On December 22, we will hold a Holiday Sing – A – Long and Toy / Stocking Stuffer Drive.
We feel this is important to try to spread the Holiday Spirit, especially to children!
This event will feature a toy drive and stocking stuffer drive.
We are looking for:
New, unwrapped toys
Wrapping paper
Gift cards
Gas cards
Bus passes
New socks and underwear
New clothes
New Sheets, Blankets and pillows
Barrettes, brushes, combs, hair ties,
Anything you or your kids or loved ones would want in a stocking.

We will also be launching our Home Re Stocking drive. The purpose of this is to post any housewares, furniture, curtains, cooking items, washing machines, refrigerators, ovens/stoves etc that a person would need to create a new home, specifically those who have lost their homes due to fire. We will be setting up a webpage in the next week for this purpose.

Red Light District Show will also be doing a Musicians Instrument Drive. If you lost your instrument during the Thomas Fires, or have one to Give, We will be setting up a web page for this also in the next week.

In order to receive items, you will be required to provide a hard copy proof of residence (Photo ID with address or Bill). It is very important to us that people who have lost their homes be provided with these items, so we will be doing a hard vetting process to keep out scammers.
As we will be relying on Community Volunteers for delivery of items, please be patient with us.


Enlaces web

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