2017 is about to end. The supermarkets already sell chocolate Santa Clauses and a few people claim they’ve already heard this one song about some past christmas from the 80s being played. No worries though - when Berlin Sessions are back at Berlin’s most beautiful rooftop, Klunkerkranich, they’ll make sure you get out of this pre-christmas madness. As musical backing, please welcome: Fye & Fennek, Serge & The Blue Racoons and Stephanie Grace.
It’s music with a view. We are welcoming you for drinks, good music and a spectacular view all over this beautiful town!
Fye & Fennek
Everyone knows that music can act as some sort of glue. Take the duo Fye & Fennek for example: They first met after a night out, but deep talks about music and a joint jam sessions started this project in the end. Together they combine Folk, Electronica and Indietronic for a unique mixture which will make you dive into other worlds.
‘Shelter’: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kA4fjvNuE2o
‘Focus’: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O3OPWJBHPnc
Serge & The Blue Racoons
“Back to the roots” - that’s a common phrase. But Serge & The Blue Racoons take this approach serious: They combine homegrown Rock Music from the 60s and 70s and add a modern touch. The result is a driving take on Indie Rock, full of soaring melodies and infectious guitar hooks.
‘Lost At Sea’: https://soundcloud.com/serge-and-the-blue-racoons/lost-at-sea
‘Whisper’: https://soundcloud.com/serge-and-the-blue-racoons/whisper
Stephanie Grace
Stephanie Grace is a Berlin-based songstress from Australia who blends clever concepts with complex rhyme schemes and cutting rhythms. Her songs and melodies bring new meaning to the term 'original' supported by a voice that will blow you away. She effortlessly switches between downbeat groove-makers and upbeat mood-changers, while always staying true to herself.
‘Rock That Boat (Berlin Sessions #116)’: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cvRA5oztApI
‘Don’t Disappear On Me’: https://soundcloud.com/miss-steph-grace/dont-disappear-on-me
< 22:00: DJ Pony / Raised on Robbery
22:00 <: Monokid
Thu., 16th of November at Klunkerkranich
doors: 16:00 ///////// concerts start: 18:00 ///////// end: late
///////// entry:
16:00-18:00 // 3€
18:00-22:00 // 5€
22:00-late // 3€
#berlinsessions - We love to see your point of view! Tag us on all your social channels!
♥ We are really looking forward to enjoy this very special night with you ♥ Please don’t forget to be early as there is just space for approx. 300 people due to security restrictions: First come - first serve! ♥
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