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Halloween Movie Night: Hush (2016)

En MacRobert Building MR310
El 30 Octubre 2017 17:00 - 19:00


Because women kick ass in every genre!

We would love to invite you to our Halloween Movie Night! We wish to support female-lead movies regardless of their genre and we can't imagine a better way to celebrate Halloween than to engage with some bad ass women!

Please keep in mind that we might collect a small fee at the door for non-members (£2). All of the money collected will be donated to a charity of your choice (voting will be open soon!).

"Hush" is a movie about a deaf writer who retreated into the woods to live a solitary life. She must fight for her life in silence when a masked killer appears at her window.
Follow this link for movie trailer:

"It’s a sharp, finely tuned thriller that goes down familiar paths but with flair and skill." The Guardian, 4 stars

"Bolstered by intelligent characters and a nail-biting premise, Hush is easily one of the most striking scary stories 2016 has to offer." Rotten Tomatoes, 94%

Trigger warnings: violence and gore (for details visit IMBD page:


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