How and why are some bodies seen as less human or more submissive than others?
Join the first Wrkwrkwrk reading group, led by Gabriela Loureiro.
Pinho, P. and Silva, E.B. (2010) ‘Domestic relations in Brazil: Legacies and Horizons’, Latin American Research Review, 45(2) pp. 90–113.
Alzandúa, G. (1987) ‘Chapter 7: La conciencia de Ia mestiza: Towards a New Consciousness’. In: Borderlands/La Frontera: The New Mestiza. San Francisco: Aunt Lute Book Company. pp. 77-91
Fanon, F. (1952) From ‘The Fact of Blackness’. In: Atkinson, T. 2005. The body. Houndmills, Basingstoke, Hampshire: Palgrave Macmillan, pp.98-109.
The Second Mother Trailer (2015) Directed by Anna Muylaert [Film]. Brazil: Africa Filmes, Globo Filmes, Gullane Filmes.
All reading group meetings are free and open to all!
They take place at the University of West London. Find directions to the campus:
Let us know you’re coming by emailing and we’ll send you room directions.
The readings can be accessed here:
Wrkwrkwrk is a feminist study group supporting emerging research and new ways of thinking about media, technology, decoloniality and the body.
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