Zuhause Festival | SINNFLUT
3 Days | soli festival to raise money for the independet artist collective zuhause e.V. - an underground home for all kind of creators, musicians, artists and free roaming minds! Friday - Sunday at the lovely rooftop of Klunkerkranich!
ZIAM / The Pearls / Coma_54 / Tisch 3 / Birk Van Örk / Laurin Oppermann / Kylo & Carmen / Elektroniki / Polyzeit / Federico Sanchez / Turbine Treptow / Lina
DJ Caribbean Thomas / Rolandson & c0nne / Buzz Boris / Bonze & Krösus / Vamilienfa†er / Mexican Joe / Los Motaricas / and many more
Artworks & Installations for all your senses!
by The Zuhause Crew, Ambra and the Whales, Eva Garland, Jean Robert and many more!
Workshops & Pop Up's
Kinderspace / Kinderschminken / Linocut / Stamps / Pirate Tattoo / Hula Hoop / Rahmentrommel-Bau Workshop / Massage-Workshop / Mastrubations-Workshop / Magic Sensorium / more to be annouced
friday from 4pm - saturday from 2pm - sunday from 2pm
from 4pm // 5€ Soli
Evento importado por Julia Brenner usando FbEventsImporter object (7) | hace 7 años, 3 meses |