Petition & call script to call on Senator Booker & NJ rep's to defund the detention and deportation machine:
Trump's decision to end DACA will arrive on Tuesday. If DACA is terminated, hundreds of thousands more will become vulnerable to detention and deportation. #DefendDACA with us on Wednesday in direct response to the Adminstration's attack on immigrants.
#DefundHate: Congress must intervene into Trump's anti-immigrant agenda, starting by cutting off funding for FY2018 that would resource the implementation of these hate-fueled attacks on immigrants. The House is preparing to vote on Trump's proposed 2018 budget, which would finance massive increases to CBP, ICE & detention, and make cuts to vital programs like healthcare and education. Join DWN, AFSC-IRP, Make the Road New Jersey, NJ Alliance for Immigrant Justice, First Friends of New York and New Jersey, People Power, Hudson Civic Act. BlueWave NJ, SEIU 32BJ and many others from across the state Sept. 6 in calling on our congressional officers to block the financialization of Trump's anti-immigrant agenda.
Trump quiere financiar su agenda anti-inmigrante dentro del presupuesto gubernamental para el año fiscal 2018, mientras que al mismo tiempo impone recortes devastadores a los recursos para cuestiones como la salud y la educación. Ven y únete a nosotros el Seis de Septiembre en Nueve Jersey cuando les pedimos a nuestros congresistas que se opongan y voten en contra del desperdicio de dinero de contribuyentes en el financiamiento de un sistema abusivo y mortal de medidas contra inmigrantes.
This event is hosted by #DefundHate New Jersey in partnership with American Friends Service Committee [AFSC] and Detention Watch Network.
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