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Feminist Classic: The Sealed Soil (40th anniversary screening)

En BFI Southbank, Londres, Reino Unido
El 19 Agosto 2017 20:30 - 23:00


Join us for LFFF2017's Feminist Classic - Marva Nabili's 'The Sealed Soil', screening at BFI Southbank. Booking open now:

Eighteen-year-old Rooy-Bekheir rejects suitor after suitor as she struggles for independence and identity in her southern Iranian village. The Sealed Soil, the first independent feature by an Iranian woman director, was shot clandestinely before being smuggled out of pre-revolution Iran for post-production. It achieved international success, including winning Most Outstanding Film of the Year at the 1977 London Film Festival, but has never been shown in Iran. The beautifully shot film has been compared stylistically to Chantal Akerman’s Jeanne Dielman. This is a rare chance to see a feminist classic on the director’s own 16mm print.


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