In collaboration with Women’s March Taiwan, Build Great Bridges Around Taiwan (BGBAT) is honored to present “Identity in Taiwan”. In this forum, we will look at the diverse issues, stories, and perspectives that make up the experience of those who live on this island. We welcome you to join the conversation and weave together a broader swath of what identity means to form a diverse, and inclusive, Taiwan.
Our aim is to bring more awareness of various identities and the depth & breadth of humanity in Taiwan. We aim to dispel fundamental stereotypes and learn empathy, so that all people in Taiwan have the opportunity to be treated as an equal and valued member of the society.
A professional interpreter translating from English to Mandarin will help us build bridges between the English and Mandarin worlds, on a topic that all of us care about. We are also inviting a professional videographer to record the dialogue to serve as raw material for a documentary that highlight the spectrum of voices in Taiwan, to help both global and local audiences understand the diversity and expand the inclusivity of our beloved Taiwan.
為了讓更多人看見台灣最真實美麗的風景,人,國際組織 BGBAT - Build Great Bridges Around Taiwan 與 Women's March Taiwan 台灣女性長征 聯合策劃「台灣x身份認同」座談會,邀請多元文化背景的與會者們分享有關自我身份認同的故事和見解。或許在你眼裡,許多與會者們都是外國人,但無論只是短暫停留還是長期居住,他們都對台灣都有著濃厚的感情,並期許在這裏,被一樣地理解,一樣地對待。
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■ 活動流程/ Event Agenda
【Session I 上半場://Frameworks on Identity 理解身份認同】14:00~15:30
●What is Identity? 什麼是身份認同?
-Evan Dawley, Assistant Professor at Goucher College, Harvard Ph.D. on Taiwan’s Historical Movement on Identity (古徹學院助理教授, 專研台灣身份認同歷史的哈佛博士)
●The Individuation Process: Finding Your Core 尋找自己的核心價值
- Ebede Ndi, Ph.D. Adjunct Assistant Professor, California Institute of Integral Studies, Ph.D. in Intercultural Identity (加利福尼亞整合學院助理教授, 跨文化認同博士)
【Session II 下半場://Panel Discussion 交流討論】15:30~18:00
● Where does your identity(ies) come from? 你的身份認同是如何形成的?
●What motivated you to represent your community? 什麼促使你為自己在乎的社區或團體努力?
-Daniel Zarazua , Author of Taiwan is My Home: Stories of the Black and Latino Diaspora , Co-founder of Pochino Press (《台灣是我的家鄉:拉丁人及黑人流散的故事》 作者, Pochino Press共同創辦人)
- Tony Thamsir 譚雲福, Indonesian grew up in Taiwan, Program Host & Coordinator of Radio Taiwan International, Indonesian Division (在台灣長大的印尼人,中央廣播電台主持人)
-Tony Coolidge, Founder of ATAYAL Organization (愛泰雅協會創辦人)
-C.K. Hugo Chung, Taiwanese Writer, Founder of TWG Press(台灣寫作家, TWG Press 創辦人)
- 呂欣潔 Jennifer Lu, Gender Equality and LGBT activist, University of Sydney Policy Research Masters (性別與同志運動推動者,雪梨大學政策研究碩士)
- Crystal Liu, Director of Women's March Taiwan(Women's March Taiwan 負責人)
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