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Increase the Resistance: A Spin Class & Fundraiser for LPJL!

En Crunch Fitness - Ft. Greene, Brooklyn (NY), Estados Unidos
El 10 Junio 2017 14:00 - 16:00


You've NEVER taken a spin class like this before! Let badass instructor, Rachel Maki, help you push your limits as you *Increase the Resistance* on Saturday, June 10th from 2-4p at Crunch Gym in Fort Greene, BK!

There will be plenty of sweat, surprise swag, and special short comedy acts to entertain you during the recovery segments of your ride (yes, there will be a *few* moments to catch your breath 😉 ).

The best part? All ticket sales go directly to Lady Parts Justice League, a reproductive rights nonprofit that supports abortion clinics and uses rapid response media, humor, and outrage to fight back against anti-choice extremists online and on the ground. Learn about their big summer tour you’re supporting at

Since when are your spin classes tax-deductible? SINCE NOW
Since when does signing up for a fitness class make you a part of the #resistance? SINCE NOW
When should you sign up? (you guessed it) RIGHT NOW

Reserve your spot at

*Reservations are general admission and bikes are first come, first serve the day of class. All sales are direct donations to Lady Parts Justice League and non-refundable.*


Enlaces web

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