Richard Hoggart Building - Room 304
What are the contours of Latin American feminisms? How do they meet with, or find themselves within, Anglo-Saxon feminist genealogies? How are practices and knowledges mixed (in) between Latin America and UK? In this workshop-conversation, Latin American feminists share, entangle and create our experiences, the challenges and opportunities of being latinx in the UK.
** Free and open to all. Snacks and drinks provided**
Organised by Latin American Hub
Supported by the Department of Sociology, Goldsmiths.
¿Qué formas tienen los feminismos latinoamericanos? ¿Dónde se encuentran con/en las genealogías feministas anglosajonas? ¿Cómo se mixturan los saberes y las prácticas feministas entre Latinoamérica y UK? En este taller-conversación, feministas latinoamericanas compartimos, enredamos y creamos nuestras experiencias, desafíos y oportunidades de ser latinx en UK.
** La participación es abierta y gratuita. Habrá snacks y refrigerios **
Organiza Latin American Hub
Con el apoyo de Department of Sociology, Goldsmiths.
>> Panel conversación // Panel conversation:
Louisa Acciari (Justice for LSE Cleaners)
Jael García (Latin American Women's Aid)
Daniella Valz Gen (artist and writer)
Barbara Foster (Latin American Women Living in Bristol)
Helena Suárez (#InformativoFeminista de Radio Nunca en Domingo)
Lieta Vivaldi (Por el derecho a decidir también en Chile)
Marga RH (organiser Festival of Choice)
Melissa Céspedes del Sur (Sisters Uncut & The London Latinxs)
>> Talleres activación // Activation Workshops:
Creating narratives & objects (Barbara Foster)
Making your own feminist fanzine (Marga RH)
* The event will be English-speaking, unless all participants in the day are happy to speak Spanish.
+ If you need help with any mobility requirements you may have, please contact any of the organisers so that we can accommodate your needs.
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