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Ejemplos de búsqueda

Eventos etiquetados con jazz en la ciudad de Berlín
Eventos en Berlín en Enero del 2014
Eventos a menos de 500 kilómetros de Berlín
Eventos el 31 de Enero del 2014
Eventos etiquetados con medio-ambiente y conferencia
Eventos etiquetados con matemáticas o filosofía
Eventos a los que Amanda quiere asistir
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Eventos más cerca de las coordenadas 52,13 en los próximos dos días

Ejemplos de búsqueda

Eventos etiquetados con jazz en la ciudad de Berlín
Eventos en Berlín en Enero del 2014
Eventos a menos de 500 kilómetros de Berlín
Eventos el 31 de Enero del 2014
Eventos etiquetados con medio-ambiente y conferencia
Eventos etiquetados con matemáticas o filosofía
Eventos a los que Amanda quiere asistir
Eventos donde coincidirás con Amanda
Eventos más cerca de las coordenadas 52,13 en los próximos dos días
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28/04/2017 - Chicuelo & Marco Mezquida @Jazzahead!

En Kulturzentrum Schlachthof, Bremen, Alemania
El 28 Abril 2017 22:00 - 22:30


Juan Gómez "Chicuelo" and Marco Mezquida, accompanied by Paco de Mode on percussion, will showcase at Jazzahead! 2017 on April 28th from 10 p.m. to 10.30 p.m. at Kulturzentrum Schlachthof

"Paint your village and you will paint the whole world", Tolstoy is said to have said.
Here it is the world which is constantly arriving and, brushstroke by brushstroke, painting this town called Barcelona; then she in turn is painted, and portrayed, on Chicuelo and Marco Mezquida's particular canvas: colorful, torrid, vibrant, profound, ancient, youthful, intense in wakefulness and in dreams.

The canvas they paint on is woven by their time and place. This is not fusion, this is not world music: this is the heartbeat of the Mediterranean resonating. Barcelona as port and haven, place of transit and merging, on the shore of the Mediterranean where fugitives and hunters of all kinds come together.

Two hunters of sound join: Marco Mezquida and Chicuelo connect; they do not ask where one another comes from. Two that dream and breathe the language of art, that speak through their keys and strings. They speak music in the tongue of 'Mare Nostrum'. They share with us music that paints a harbor, music like water: it stirs, it blends, the water becomes the sea, the sea is water, and becomes the water that is every sea: this is how all musics sail and converge; this is how Marco Mezquida and Juan Gómez 'Chicuelo' sound.


Enlaces web

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