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Women for Syria

En North Terrace, Trafalgar Square
El 13 Abril 2017 18:30 - 19:30


"#WomenForSyria // 13.4.17 // Cities across the World

We have said NEVER AGAIN too many times. But again here we are. Syria.

In the past few days we have witnessed the horror of an aftermath of the Assad regime's chemical attacks on the Syrian people, including young children.

Our hearts are in mourning. We are outraged. We know that over 500,000 Syrians have been killed and over 6 million have been displaced within Syria and throughout the world.

We can't sit back. We know there are no easy solutions but we can at least alleviate the pain and suffering of the refugees.

We demand that our government increase the number of Syrian refugees we let into the United Kingdom.

We want them here. Let them in. At the same time, we want our government to ensure the safety of Syrians in Syria.

Join us for a vigil to stand with the people of Syria and let them know they are not alone. We hear you. We see you.

We call on Women's March organizers and supporters to invite their local communities on Thursday, April 13, at 6:30 pm local time for vigils across the World. Bring candles and signs and wear blue for peace.

Share your events on social media using the hashtag #WomenForSyria. ‪Together, let's send a strong message that we are speaking out; we will not be silent in the face of these atrocities. #WomenForSyria ‬


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