Media Research Building 05 (screen #1)
The New Man
2015, Uruguay/Nicaragua, 79 minutes, directed by Aldo Garay
At the age of 12, Roberto supported the Sandinista revolution in Nicaragua and fought for social reforms. He was to continue his political struggle ghting with the communist Tupamaros in Uruguay. Thirty years later he is struggling to live his life as a woman named Stephanía and be accepted by both society and his family in Nicaragua. The lm provides a personal and tender portrait of a woman who can look back on a life in which violence, drugs, prostitution and polit- ical commitment all found a place.
Comments afterwards by Amanda Alfaro Córdoba.
The film is part of the series “Latin America: Translation attempts”, and is supported by the Unit of Global Justice, Department of Sociology; Latin Elephant and The Latin American Hub @ Goldsmiths.
The series aims to question the alleged universal meaning of concepts such as violence, oppression, neoliberalism, land, development, faith and others when observed from a Latin American perspective. Placed in the Andes, the Amazonas, the streets of Montevideo or the Mexican/US border, the series pretends to show that global notions only acquire truly sense when situated in specific landscapes. So this series is an invitation to observe the meanings of life rooted in Latin America and talk about the collective life from that perspective at the end of each film.
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