On March 8, International Women's Day, join the Democratic Socialists of America in front of the United States Supreme Court in a demand for comprehensive, intersectional, and socialist solutions to the threats of injustice and patriarchy. International Women's Day has historically been a time of celebration and reflection on the accomplishments and experiences of women. As dangers to the rights and safety of women redouble with each day of the new administration, it must also be a call to action for all women and all those who will side with them.
We will hear from guest speakers and socialist feminists on the challenges that threaten women's freedom and livelihood under capitalism and plans for a feminist future.
We are excited to hear from Sara Steffens, Secretary-Treasurer of the Communications Workers of America, Jessica Yanez of Restaurant Opportunity Centers United, and Katie Parker from Future is Feminist, as well as voices from DSA.
We strongly encourage you to reach out to us at any of the contacts below or to all our coordinators at dsadc.iwd@gmail.com if you would like to offer your voice.
After the event, we will be marching to the Department of Labor to join Women Workers Rising (womenworkersrising.org) for a 3:30-5:30pm rally. (Event: https://www.facebook.com/events/1817483448504295/)
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