‼3/8 ️16:30 集合地點改為「中正紀念堂 -- 國家音樂廳 一號門前廣場(靠信義路側)‼️
‼️NEW GATHERING LOCATION: CKS -- National Concert Hall <Gate 1> (XinYi Rd. Side)‼️
報告最新消息!We have exciting updates!
- 尤美女立委, 余宛如立委 & Jason Hsu許毓仁立委 會致詞!
Legislators Yu Mei-nu & Karen Yu will be speaking!
- 女人迷 womany & 現代美緣 Aimatchmaker 贊助遊行的T恤!Influential women's magazine Womany and global matchmaking service AiMM are sponsoring our March T-shirts - more on our 3/8 38 T-shirts giveaway soon!
- 藝人 XUAN 劉軒 和其他男女平等的支持者會參與三月份 (March) 後續活動,之後再和大家分享細節!Renowned author & DJ XUAN and other supporters of gender equality & women's rights will be participating in a "March"-long campaign for the month of March - stay tuned!
期待 3/8 見! Look forward to seeing you on 3/8!
(Scroll down for English)
我們只是祈求所有人都能被平等對待... 所以 Women’s March Taiwan響應3/8國際婦女節,號召所有人民為男女平等、為人權遊大街!
【 參與方式】
拿起你自豪的牌子、旗子, 一起為男女平等、為維護基本人權遊行!
6:00-7:20 p.m. 婦女節慶祝活動
國家音樂廳1號門 ▹ 大安森林公園捷運2號門。
▲ 現場會有:
6:00- 6:05p.m.
6:05- 6:10p.m.
-Mary Goodwin代表主辦方 Women's March Taiwan 台灣女性長征 和協辦方 Indivisible Taiwan場致詞。
6:10- 6:40p.m.
6:40- 6:50p.m.
-燦爛時光:東南亞主題書店 Brilliant Time bookstore負責人 張張正致詞
6:50- 7:00p.m.
- Aimatchmaker 共同創辦人Tilaine致詞
7:00- 7:05p.m.
- HeforShe Taiwan 代表John Fan致詞
7:05- 7:10p.m.
-Lean In 代表致詞
7:10- 7:15p.m.
-Women’s March Taiwan 創辦人感謝言
共同建立多元化的社會,保障台灣的人權,建立健康的環境。呼籲八大主張: 終止暴力 、 生育自由 、 LGBTQIA權益、勞工權益 、 公民權益、 身障權益、移民權益、環境正義。
女權,妳權,你權。 每個人都很重要!讓我們不分你妳一起遊行!
■ Women's March Taiwan Event Details
In a massive outpouring of support for women’s rights and the right of all people to freedom and justice, millions worldwide participated in the January 21, 2017, Women’s Marches. In Taiwan we too recognize that “women’s rights are human rights, and human rights are women’s rights.”
To celebrate International Women’s Day on March 8, and show our support for the international Women’s Strike called by the organizers of the January Women’s March, titled “A Day Without a Woman,” the Women’s March Taiwan, Women’s March Taiwan and Indivisible (Taiwan), will take to the streets for equality, justice and human rights. We are inviting diverse communities, including women’s organizations, environmental groups, civil liberties organizations and all who support gender equality, to join the march!
Assemble at CKS Memorial Hall’ [Side of National Music Hall closest to Xinyi Street].
Taipei City, Taiwan.
March begins. Parade from CKS Memorial Hall to the area outside Louisa Coffee at Daan Forest Park MRT Exit 2.
6:00pm (Estimated)
End march at Louisa Coffee at Daan Park and celebrate with advocates, artists, entertainers, and civic leaders.
▲Our Mission
We stand together in solidarity with our partners, children and friends to support the protection of human rights, and the safety and well-being of families everywhere. We recognize that our vibrant and diverse communities are the source of our country’s strength.
Our solidarity is based on the principles of ending violence against women and supporting reproductive rights, LGBTQIA rights, labor rights, civil rights, disability rights, immigrant rights, and environmental justice.
We aim to raise awareness that women’s rights are human rights, regardless of a woman’s race, ethnicity, religion, immigration status, sexual identity, gender expression, economic status, age or disability status. We practice and develop empathy in learning about each other’s intersecting identities.
Join us in celebrating International Women’s Day, March 8!
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